Sustainable and effective protection from natural hazards is an essential predisposition for settling, as well as, socio-economic development in the Alps. Limited settlement space and climate change lead to increasing exposure and damage risk of private property and infrastructure in the Alps. The interests of economic development, social welfare, mobility and tourism need to balance risk reduction and safety management. This requires new risk governance instruments and processes with a view to find the optimal approach for multiple land use demands.
Action Group 8 aims at improving risk management and better managing climate change in the Alpine Region by pursuing the following objectives.
Positioned within the thematic policy sphere of "Environment and Energy," Action Group 8 reaffirms its allegiance to the cultivation of sustainable development and an unwavering confrontation of environmental challenges.
1. Stocktaking of relevant actors and interests, mapping and enhancing governance structures and processes in the policy fields of risk/hazard management and climate change adaptation.
2. Improving risk and adaptation governance mechanisms in the EUSALP region by enhancing, valorizing and leveraging the existing cooperation structures.
3. Identification of good practice solutions in tackling challenges in natural hazard and climate change adaptation policy.
4. Promoting, developing and implementing local, regional and international pilot projects and programs based on strategic priorities, and exploring funding opportunities on both EU as well as national/regional/private levels.