Governing bodies

EUSALP's Governing Bodies are represented with the General Assembly and the Executive Board. All together they play a pivotal role in shaping the future of the Alpine region.
EUSALP General Assembly
The General Assembly stands as the primary legislative body, bringing together representatives from our member states to deliberate on key policies, formulate strategies, and foster cooperation for sustainable development and prosperity.
The General Assembly (GA) should mainly be responsible for laying down the general political guidelines for the Strategy. Furthermore, the General Assembly has the possibility of organizing ministerial meetings in order to create the necessary political awareness for the Strategy.
Annually, the General Assembly can meet in an extended format, open to all relevant stakeholders (Annual Forum).
By endorsing Action Group Leaders, the GA ensures that competent and adept guidance is secured for the effective implementation of the strategy. Furthermore, the GA takes charge of the EUSALP presidency succession according to the rotating mechanism approved at the 2022 General assembly meeting. This seamless process of leadership succession guarantees continuity, injecting fresh perspectives into the EUSALP's endeavors. In conclusion, the General Assembly represents an eminent cornerstone of the European Union Strategy for the Alpine Region's governance structure. With its overarching mission to shape political guidelines, engage stakeholders, oversee leadership, and promote inclusivity.
POLITICAL DECLARATION “SUSTAINABLE LAND USE AND SOIL PROTECTION” : Soils face specific challenges in the Alpine region, such as limited settlement areas and intensive land use in many of the valley floors, considerable pressure on sensitive ecosystems.
EUSALP Executive Board
Concerning this level of governance, the representatives of States and Regions participating in the EUSALP have agreed in the Milan Declaration to put in place ‘a standing Executive Board in charge of overseeing the implementation of the EUSALP Action Plan, formed by representatives of the States and Regions’. [...]
EUSALP National Coordinators
National Coordinators serve as liaisons between different administrative bodies involved in the Strategy's thematic areas within their states or regions. They also interact with the authorities responsible for implementing relevant European, national, and regional programs. This coordination role ensures that different levels of governance and program implementation are effectively integrated with the Strategy's objectives.
Historically, National Coordinators often hail from Ministries of Foreign Affairs or Prime Minister Services. These positions provide a comprehensive overview of the state or region they represent, aiding in the broader strategic planning and implementation.
Additionally, sharing the role of National Coordinator with a ministry that has direct responsibility for the operational implementation of sectoral and territorial policies has proven to be a good practice. This dual-role approach can strengthen the alignment between national policies and the EUSALP's broader goals.
By sharing their responsibilities with ministries directly responsible for operationalizing sectoral and territorial policies, they unlock the untapped potential of data-driven decision-making. This dynamic synergy empowers National Coordinators to navigate the dynamic landscape of governance and policy with unparalleled precision, achieving an unparalleled harmony between national policies and the panoramic aspirations of the EUSALP
National Coordinators, coming either from the national or regional level, represent the position of their respective countries, while looking at the same time for convergent opinions and decisions that will facilitate the implementation of the Strategy.
- They should be duly empowered by their governments (at national and/or regional level, depending on competencies in each country)
- They play a major role coordinating and supporting the design and implementation of macro-regional strategies and encouraging stakeholders’ involvement
- They should liaise with the administrations participating in the thematic areas covered by the Strategy in their State/Region as well as with the managing authorities responsible for the implementation of the relevant European and national/regional programs.
If you want to know more or are curious about the implementation of the strategy within your Alpine territory, the National Coordinators can give you insights.