Implementation & Advisory bodies

The Board of Action Group Leaders (implementation body) and the Youth Council (advisory body) are meant to complete the Governing Bodies to support national interests and the broader goals of the EU Strategy for the Alpine Region.

The EUSALP Board of Action Group Leaders

Composed by all Action Group leading institutions, the EUSALP Board of Action Group Leaders (BAGL) is meant as a tool to supporting official EUSALP bodies.

The Board of Action Group Leaders aim at ensuring:

  • Horizontal coherence among AGs tackling all policy fields
  • Systematic steering of EUSALP implementation process and a smooth vertical interface to all levels of EUSALP governance model, especially between coordination level (EB) and implementation level (AGs).

The BAGL do not produce deliverables as such but somehow it serves as an engine room that prepare strategic developments of the different part of the projects. Particularly, it prepares the work design of several Work Packages, especially when it comes to cross-AG activities.

The BAGL is covering all objectives of the Action Plan; it focuses on coordination of working methods and deals with internal governance issues. Furthermore, the BAGL addresses cross-cutting issues to ensure a more inclusive Alpine development.


The Board of Action Group Leaders:

  • Meets twice a year (whenever possible back-to-back with a meeting of the EB).
  • Is meant to be an EUSALP internal coordination unit, not as a decision-making body (no being part of the official EUSALP governance model).


  • May have two formats:
    • Coordination sessions will deal with internal governance issues and will aim at the harmonization of working methods.
    • Thematic sessions will focus on cross-sectoral thematic issues to develop synergies and possible joint activities or manage conflicts.



  • Supporting cooperation between AGL and with the EB by ensuring flow of information between AGs and to/from the EB and by harmonizing procedures especially.
  • Coordinating developed project criteria in order to strengthen comparability, equal treatment and smart external perception (e.g. via funding programmes).
  • Facilitating dialogue between EB and AGs by developing decision support documents e.g. for reporting routines from AGs to EB.
  • Raising specific potential for a better cross-sectoral integration by identifying thematic synergies and joint initiatives.
  • Solving conflicting interests (e.g. of single projects) and provide solutions for conflict management.
  • Better harmonizing work plans of single AGs (e.g. time-lines, milestones) and provide information e.g. for the EUSALP Knowledge Platform and web-page.

The EUSALP Youth Council: 

The EUSALP Youth Council provides a platform for institutional involvement of young people in all EUSALP bodies to make sure that their ideas and viewpoints are heard and considered.

It allows young participants, thanks to a legitimate position due to the official nature of their mandate, to discuss the objectives of the global EUSALP strategy and to contribute ideas. 

Discover more about the Youth Coucil.