
Advancing Regional Cooperation and Cohesion

EUSALP embodies the spirit of European cooperation in action by empowering governance at the grassroots level. EUSALP takes pride in its coordination role, uniting stakeholders and integrating best practices across various sectors, including:

  • Economy
  • Education
  • Environment
  • Accessibility
  • Mobility

Through focused efforts, EUSALP aims to reduce social and territorial disparities, promoting smart, sustainable, and inclusive growth aligned with the objectives of the EU 2020 Strategy.

Fostering Synergies - A Core Mission for EUSALP

As a European laboratory for cross-sectoral and multi-level governance, EUSALP exemplifies the power of grassroots initiatives, born from a bottom-up approach and supported by States and Regions.

Inclusivity is at the core of EUSALP’s strategy, actively involving all stakeholders - governments, businesses, academia, and citizens - in shaping policies and solutions that promote balanced and inclusive growth.

Building a Resilient Future to Uphold the Mission Statement

One of EUSALP primary objectives is to empower the Alpine community, making the people of the region co-creators of their own future. Innovation is a driving force in EUSALP’s mission, as EUSALP fosters sustainable innovation benefiting both the region and all of Europe, positioning the Alpine area as a pioneer in cutting-edge practices.

A "Macroregional strategy" is an integrated framework endorsed by the European Council, which may be supported by the European Structural and Investment Funds among others, to address common challenges faced by a defined geographical area relating to Member States and third countries located in the same geographical area which thereby benefit from strengthened cooperation contributing to achievement of economic, social, and territorial cohesion.

By leveraging European Structural and Investment Funds and other resources, this strategic initiative seeks to effectively address common challenges while enhancing cooperation to achieve sustainable economic, social, and territorial development.


The Alps, known worldwide for their natural beauty, diverse landscapes, and cultural heritage, serve as both a residential and commercial hub, welcoming millions of visitors annually. However, the Alpine region faces crucial challenges :

  • Economic globalization demands competitiveness and innovation.
  • Aging demographics and new migration patterns necessitate strategic planning.
  • Climate change poses imminent threats.
  • Energy management requires sustainability.
  • The Alps’ unique geographical position requires a robust development framework


  • The Alpine macroregional strategy catalyzes cross-border cooperation among the Alpine States, providing a platform to identify common objectives and achieve effective implementation through transnational collaboration.
  • The EU Strategy for the Alpine Region, established in June 2015, encompasses 48 regions across 7 countries, including 5 EU Member States (Austria, France, Germany, Italy, and Slovenia), and 2 non-EU countries (Liechtenstein and Switzerland).

The successful implementation and management of EUSALP rely on robust governance structures:

  • General Assembly: High-level political representatives from States, Regions, the European Commission, and the Alpine Convention.
  • Executive Board: Comprising representatives from States, Regions, the European Commission, and Observers.
  • Action Groups: Led by designated leaders, they play a pivotal role in daily implementation.

What is EUSALP, how it works?

Our platform offers comprehensive insights into the EU Strategy for the Alpine Region, fostering sustainable growth, environmental preservation, and strengthened cooperation. Stay informed about the latest developments, transformative projects, and initiatives that enhance the Alpine region.

Read the document

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  • Economic growth and innovation,
    Objective: Fair access to job opportunities, building on the high competitiveness of the Region.
  • Mobility and connectivity,
    Objective: Internal and external accessibility to all.
  • Environment and energy,
    Objective: A more inclusive environmental framework for all and renewable and reliable energy solutions for the future.

A cross-cutting Thematic Policy Area will allow to improve cooperation and the coordination of action in the Alpine Region:

  • Governance, including institutional capacity,
    Objective: A sound macro-regional governance model for the Region.

EUSALP is passionately committed to propelling fair access to diverse job opportunities, amplifying the Region's inherent competitiveness.

Our laser-focused priorities encompass:

  • Forging robust innovation and research capabilities, translating them into tangible real-world applications.
  • Empowering enterprises with unwavering support to unlock untapped economic potential.
  • Nurturing an environment where high levels of employment flourish, a testament to our determination to achieve full employment within the Region.

Three Action Groups operate within this Thematic Policy Area to reach the objective:

  • Action Group 1: Research and Innovation, to develop an effective research and innovation ecosystem,
    Leading institutions : Lombardy
    Action Group Leader: Cristina Lavagetti
  • Action Group 2: Economic Development, to increase the economic potential of strategic sectors,
    Leading institutions: Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes and Piedmont Regions 
    Action Group Leader: Sylvain Guétaz and Massimo Lapolla
  • Action Group 3: Labour Market, Education, and Training, to improve the adequacy of labour market, education and training in strategic sectors,
    Leading institutions: Trento Region
    Action Group Leader: Giuliana Cristoforetti.

At EUSALP, we envisage a harmonious blend of transport systems and communication services that tread lightly upon our fragile environment, while fostering societal well-being. By leveraging the prowess of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs), we seek to erase accessibility gaps, driving forth a more interconnected and sustainable development model.

Our resolute focus rests on:

  • Pioneering sustainable transport systems, epitomizing quality and environmental consciousness.
  • Crafting an interconnected Alpine landscape that welcomes equitable accessibility for all its dwellers.
  • Fostering a digitally empowered society, amplifying communication and public services.

Two Action Groups operate to reach the objective:

  • Action Group 4: Mobility, to promote inter-modality and interoperability in passenger and freight transport,
    Leading institutions: EUREGIO Tyrol-South Tyrol-Trentino (EUGTC), Région Sud Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur,
    Action Group Leader: Xavier Garcia and Michael Büerger
  • Action Group 5: Connectivity and Accessibility, to connect people electronically and promote accessibility to public services,
    Leading institutions: Valle d'Aosta
    Action Group Leaders: Carlo Vigna

Preserving the resplendent natural and cultural heritage nestled within the Alpine Region stands as the cornerstone of our Strategy. Climate change beckons united regional responses, and we stand at the helm of championing efficient management systems.

We channel our unwavering determination towards:

  • Fortifying the Alpine Region's natural and cultural heritage, infusing life into a thriving, high-quality living sphere.
  • Elevating the Region as a global leader in energy efficiency and renewable energy, empowering future generations.
  • Spearheading Alpine risk management and confronting climate change-induced threats through collaborative dialogue.

    Four Action Groups operate within the 3rd Thematic Policy Area to reach the objective:

    • Action Group 6: Resources, to preserve and valorise natural resources, including water and cultural resources,
      Leading institutions: Alpine Convention and Carinthia,
      Action Group Leaders: Wolfger Mayrhofer, Helmut Serro, Alice Beck Lisa Ellemunter.
    • Action Group 7: Green Infrastructures, to develop ecological connectivity in the whole EUSALP territory,
      Leading institutions: Liguria Region and Soca Valley Development center
      Action Group Leaders: Annalisa Cevasco and Miro Kristan
    • Action Group 8: Risk Governance, to improve risk management and to better manage climate change, including major natural risks prevention,
      Leading institutions: EURAC and Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Regions and Water Management
      Action Group Leader: Lydia Pedoth, Marc Zebish, Fabio Carnelli and Katharina Rider
    • Action Group 9: Energy, to make the territory a model region for energy efficiency and renewable energy,
      Leading institutions: South Tyrol and AURA-EE
      Action Group Leader: Flavio Ruffini, Maren Meyer, Benjamin Auer and Etienne Vienot

    Effective implementation of EUSALP hinges upon our dynamic governance model, one that surpasses conventional boundaries and silos. Our innovative governance model revolves around.

    • National Coordinators - Enablers of coordination within each state and region
    • The Executive Board - Catalysts for horizontal and vertical coordination, driving collaboration between participating States and Regions.

    Join us as we pave the way for an enriched, flourishing Alpine Region that cherishes its legacy while carving an extraordinary path forward. Thank you for being part of this remarkable journey towards an inspiring and thriving Alpine region.