Action Group 9 focuses on the promotion of energy efficiency and the production and use of local renewable energy in the Alpine Region, especially in the public and private sectors. The framework is provided by, inter alia, the EU’s energy directives, the EU goals for 2020 and the Energy Union Package. The action aims at supporting a significant reduction of energy consumption in the housing and mobility sector, as well as in small and medium enterprises. The action promotes energy management and monitoring systems at different levels.
EUSALP Action Group 9 resides in endorsing energy efficiency and endorsing the local production and utilization of renewable energy in the Alpine Region. The public and the private domains serve as the dual pillars that could propel the energy revolution. The Group draws its directional ethos from EU energy directives, the EU goals for 2020, and the Energy Union Package, all of which offer a framework for a greener future.
The mission lies in its commitment to champion a significant plunge in energy consumption across the housing and mobility sectors, along with small and medium enterprises. This is paired with a push for energy management and monitoring systems that can evaluate and optimize energy use at various levels.
• Setting up an Alpine energy efficiency cluster. This cluster should serve as a forum for cooperation and innovation, bring technical solutions for the specific energy needs of the Alpine Region, and develop energy efficiency processes and products particularly adapted to the Alpine Region, especially in the housing and mobility sectors.
• ‘Greening the Alpine infrastructure’: focusing on energy efficiency in the building sector and promote harmonised, affordable and operational assessment tools to be used by public authorities in order to boost sustainable and low-carbon buildings in the Alpine Region.
• Setting up an Alpine renewable energy cluster while taking into account ecological, economical and land use issues and considering societal trade-offs.
• Support energy management systems in the Alpine Region by developing, sharing and installing energy efficiency and decentralised monitoring systems at the local level and by promoting regional energy monitoring.
• Support a better use of local resources and increase energy self-sufficiency while reducing impacts on climate and the environment.
11th Action Group 9 meeting, 11.03.2021, online
12th Action Group 9 meeting, 11.06.2021, online
13th Action Group 9 meeting, 19.11.2021, online
14th Action Group 9 meeting, 18-19.05.2022, Bolzano/Bozen
5th EUSALP Energy Conference (Session 2): Local Energy Communities - A Win for All in the Energy Transition. 17.11.2021, online
5th EUSALP Energy Conference (Session 3): EUSALP and the New European Bauhaus. 18.-20.05.2022, Bolzano/Bozen (I)
6th EUSALP Energy Conference, 11.10.2022, Bolzano/Bozen (I)
EUSALP Energy Survey
Thematic Workshop "EUSALP Energy Policy Tables", 18.05.2022, Bolzano/Bozen (I)