12th Action Group 9 meeting, 11.06.2021, online
Meeting topic :
The 12th Action Group 9 meeting took place online on the 11/06/2021. The members and observers of the AG convened to discuss the progress of the initiatives as compared to the Work Plan, exchange best practises and experiences and draw possible ways forward. The meeting constituted a moment to reflect on the Action Group's priorities, potential project proposals and recommendations emerging from the actions. Several speakers gave presentations to support the discussions of the Group.
Agenda :
1. Update on the cross-sectoral initiative “Green Hydrogen for the Alps”
- State of works: Signature of the Letter of Intent + first actions on Hydrogen for mobility
- Update: Hydrogen – a territorial approach for the Alps
- Update on the Hydrogen meta-study: presentation of the concept & structure
2. Towards the EUSALP Energy Conference 2021
- Proposed concept for the Energy Conference 2021
3. Other items
- Update on the Implementation Pathways of the Alpine Climate Board and the Virtual Alpine Energy Agency
- ARPAF III. Preliminary information & proposal for submission of the Energy Observatory
- Alpine Space Programme: Update on the new programming period
- General management
The agenda of the meeting can be downloaded here :