Multifunctional FORrest in the Alps : REinforcing DIALogue
Promoting advanced cooperation in multifunctional Alpine forest to initiate a future dialogue as a path to overcome tensions arising from divergent interests.
This cross-cutting activity is involving the following action groups:
- Action group 2: Economic development
- Action group 6: Resources
- Action group 7: Green infrastructure
- Action group 8: Risk governance
- Action group 9: Energy
Forests are a valuable asset and shaping power in the Alpine region. Their contribution to the quality of our living environment is manifold and reaches from recreation to the quality water and air, biodiversity, etc. Forests are home to animals and plants and contribute to the economy with wooden and non-wooden products. However, conflicting interests arising related to these various functions, the adaptation to impacts of climate change, rising expectations from society, and public and social value shifts are increasingly challenging our forests, today and tomorrow.
REDIAFOR aims to identify and analyze the issues of conflicting interests and risks emerging from the multifunctional use of our forests (REDIAFOR survey). The introduction of a dialogic approach to strengthening the skills of actors and stakeholders (REDIAFOR training sessions), establish an approach for transnational dialogue ( REDIAFOR workshops) and develop and promote a communication kit (REDIAFOR poster, practical and theoretical sheets on conflicts, etc) that promote a path to dialogue.
This project was initiated by the Task Force "Multifunctional Forests and Sustainable Use of Timber" that gather EUSALP Action Groupe members in a transversal approach of alpine forests. REDIAFOR's activities to improve dialogue meet the strategic communication objectives of the "Alpine Climate Target System 2050".
The forests in the Alpine regions are subject to increasing expectations from society, industry, and regional value creation. We rely on the functions of our forests to filter water and air, protecting people and buildings against natural risks, etc. However, the forestry and wood processing industry is challenged by seasonality and competitive market situation. The general public increasingly expects sustainable forest management and local use of wood. Recreation and touristic needs demand an attractive landscape setting and area with security requirements for summer and winter activities. Peri-urban forests are a habitat for game and plants, but the urban population also sees the «wild» forest as an attraction, sports area, source of recreation, or image of ecological values increase. Forestry activity is in constant interaction with agriculture and urban sprawl, and the resulting land-use dynamics are a source of tension.
All these functions (protection, production, social values) are related to very diverging interests. The effects of climate change multiply the challenges. Forests have to face higher risks (forest fires), increasing number and strength of storms, droughts, parasites, etc. disrupting the current economic model of forest management.
More than ever, it is vital to initiate a dialogue among actors and stakeholders in the forests of the Alpine regions, as a basis for preventing and overcoming conflicts.
REDIAFOR is an ARPAF project, funded by the European Parliament, to support the cross-cutting actions of the macro-alpine strategy and the EU Forestry strategy.
Do not hesitate to visit the REDIAFOR website to get more information.
Total Budget: 201 993 €
Start and closure dates: September 2019 to May 2021
Attachments :
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- Results of WP 2: Description of the EUSALP-wide survey
(pdf - 0.95 MB)